Schedule of Events (at a glance)

(Breakouts by track)

Tuesday, May 13, 2025
1pm - 4pm

Pre-Conference Workshops  (Extra add-on pre-order ticket required $40)


Registration Open
Location: Majestic Foyer
Sponsored by R. George and Associates


5pm-6:30pmMeet Up
Location:  Pavilion
Cash Bar
8pm - 9pm (tentative)Trivia game night (additional pre-order ticket required)
Sponsored by: 
Wednesday, May 14, 2025

Registration Open
Location: Majestic Foyer
Sponsored by R. George and Associates


8am - 5:30pm

Networking Lounge open
Location:  Sago, Palms Conference Center
Sponsored by:  Library Pass


First-Time Attendees and New Member Orientation Session
Location: Royal Ballroom

8am - 9am

Breakout Sessions

8am - 9am

Committee Meeting - Awards Committee
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center


Coffee Break; Sponsored by Gray Robinson
Location: Majestic Foyer


Opening General Session, Keynote Address, Photo-Line 
Location: Royal Ballroom General
Conversation between Mychal Threets and FLA President Jorge E. Perez

Special Guest Speakers:  
Brooks Rainwater, Urban Libraries Council's President/CEO
Dr. Brandy McNeil, PLA President Elect
Bradley Warren, ACRL VP/President Elect 
Robert Stuart, Senior Government Affairs Advisor, GrayRobinson, P.A.

11:30am-6pmExhibit Hall Open
11:30am-1:30pmExhibit Hall Open
Location: Majestic Exhibit Ballroom
-Concession Lunch (salad bar only) in exhibit hall available - pre-order tickets only
-Author Tables (Jenny Alvarado; Jackie Morera; Ana Siqueira)
-Poster Presentations Session I
-Mobile App Help Desk open
-Merchandise Store open - while supplies last. (Debit/credit cards only)  or you can order items in advance and have them shipped directly to you.
12pm - 1pm

Lunch and Learn (Limited availability - sponsor invite only event) 
Sponsored by  Baker and Taylor
Location: Diamond, Palms Conference Center


Performers Showcase
Includes 10-min stage showcase
Exact Showcase Schedule TBD
Location: Royal Ballroom
Currently confirmed:  Orisirisi African Folklore; GiGi and Friends of Cirque du Jour LLC; Karen A. Fortin - Genealogy + History; Rhythm-Changes.Org/Giving Tree Music; Jane Rosenbohm, Guitar Extraordinaire

1:30pm - 3pm

Breakout Sessions


Committee Meeting - Advocacy & Legislative Committee
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center

3pm - 4pm

Breakout Sessions


Committee Meeting - Membership Committee
Location: Nautilus A ,1st Floor, Tower Conference Center


Exhibit Hall Activities and Welcome Reception
Location: Majestic Exhibit Ballroom
-Welcome Reception (Appetizers/cash bar) 
-Author Tables (Mark Mustian)
-Poster Presentations Session II
-Merchandise Store open - while supplies last. (Debit/credit cards only)  or you can order items in advance and have them directly shipped to you.  


Member Group Meeting - Public Library Directors Group
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center6


Retiree/potential Retirees Happy Hour Meetup
Offsite location TBD
Transportation and food/beverage on own

5:30pm - 7pm

USF and FSU Alumni Receptions
USF Location: Diamond, Palms Conference Center
FSU Location: Royal Ballroom, Palms Conference Center


After Hours Networking Event - Cuba Libre Restaurant at Pointe Orlando International Drive 

Sponsored by:

6:30pm - 9:30pm
2 miles from hotel
Group reservation is currently for 50 attendees (may increase if there is more interest.
$45/person    Extra Pre-Order Ticket purchase required
Bus transportation leaves hotel at 6:15pm.  Return bus transportation at 9pm.
Latin guitarist, appetizers and one drink ticket included. Cash Bar. 

Thursday, May 15, 2025

Registration Open
Location: Majestic Foyer
Sponsored by R. George and Associates



Spanish Publishers Sponsored Breakfast Session (Limited availability - sponsor invite only event)
Location: Diamond, Palms Conference Center
You are warmly invited to join Spanish Publishers, LLC and REFORMA de Florida for breakfast on Thursday, May 15, from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM. Attendees will enjoy a presentation by renowned author Sharon Koenig and will receive a complimentary copy of her book, “Las 12 promesas del alma.” Space is limited to the first 50 respondents, so RSVP is required! The RSVP form coming soon.


Member Group Meeting - Public Library Managers Group Meeting
Location: Nautilus A


Networking Lounge open
Location:  Sago, Palms Conference Center
Sponsored by:  Library Pass


8am - 4pm

Exhibit Hall Open


Exhibit Hall Activities
Location: Majestic Exhibit Ballroom
8am - 9am Coffee with Exhibitors
8am - 10am  Author Tables (Jason Edwards)
8am - 9:30am  Poster Presentations Session III
8am - 9:30am Merchandise Store open  - while supplies last. (Debit/credit cards only)  or you can order items in advance and have them shipped to you. 


Breakout Sessions


Committee Meeting - DEIA Committee
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Palms Conference Center


Breakout Sessions


Committee Meeting -Intellectual Freedom Committee
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center

11:30am - 1:30pm

Exhibit Hall Activities
Location: Majestic Exhibit Ballroom
--Concession Lunch (salad bar only) available - Pre-order tickets only
-Author Tables (Marilyn Turk; Toshia Blake)
-Poster Presentations Session IV
-Mobile App Help Desk Open
-Merchandise Store open  (11am-2pm)- while supplies last. (Debit/credit cards only) or you can order items in advance and have them shipped to you.


Lunch & Learn sponsored by OCLC (Limited availability - sponsor invite only event)
Location: Diamond


Member Group Meeting: Youth Services Librarians Meeting
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center


Breakout Sessions


Committee Meeting - Professional Development Committee
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center 


Exhibit Hall Activities
Location: Majestic Exhibit Hall

-Afternoon Refreshment Break (2:30-3:15pm)
-Author Tables (Marilyn Turk; Toshia Blake)
-Poster Presentation Session IV
-Merchandise Store open 


Member Group Meeting: Past Presidents Meeting
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center


Breakout Sessions

4pm - 5:30pm

Wine Toss and 50/50 Drawing Tickets for Sale
Location: Majestic Foyer

4:15pm-5:15pmCommittee Meeting - Planning
Location: Nautilus A; 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center

President's Reception - featuring a "Florida Tropical" theme to benefit the FLA Fundraising program. Join us for a fun-filled evening networking with colleagues while enjoying a comedy act by Meredith Myers a librarian comedian as well as a DJ, food/drink (cash bar), and our fundraising activities. 

Sponsored by:  


Friday, May 16, 2024
7:30-11:30 am

Registration Open
Location: Majestic Foyer
Sponsored by R. George and Associates


Fun Walk/Run or Yoga
Sponsor TBA

Location meet up:  Front Hotel Lobby


Breakout Sessions


Committee Meeting - Conference Planning Committee
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center

8am - 11:30am

Networking Lounge Open
Location:  Sago, Palms Conference Center
Sponsored by:  Library Pass



Breakout Sessions

9am-10amCommittee Meeting - Communications
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center
10:15am-11:15amCommittee Meeting - Fundraising 
Location:  Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center

Closing General Session Lunch, Awards and Board Inductee Ceremony
Location: Royal Ballroom

Be sure to stay and join us as we congratulate our FLA award recipients and welcome our new 25-26 FLA Board of Directors - while enjoying a delicious Tex-Mex buffet lunch.


FLA Board of Directors Meeting
Location: Nautilus A, 1st Floor, Tower Conference Center
Sponsored by: