Keynote Speaker Mychal Threets




THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2025
Hilton Doubletree SeaWorld Orlando

Mychal Threets is a librarian, literary ambassador, and the library’s number one fan (according to himself, admittedly). He grew up in Fairfield, CA --right between Sacramento and San Francisco. He was raised in his local library as a homeschool kid.

He got his first library card at the age five and was hooked on libraries from there. He got his first library job as a library shelver at the library he grew up in and worked his way up to become Supervising Librarian of that very same library.

He is very open about his mental health. He talks about it in hopes that it’ll help others in their mental health journey. He is adamant about encouraging people to believe him when he says he’s happy they are here.

He considers it an honor to the library people who raised him that he is a recipient of the 2023 “I Love My Librarian” award from the American Library Association, one of School Library Journal’s 2024 Movers and Shakers, and one of TIME Magazine’s 2024 Next Generation Leaders.

@ m y c h a l 3 t s

@ m y c h a l 3 t s