1. Term of Office
a. End of conference to end of conference
b. Serve a one-year term and then become President and, the year after Presidential year, become Past President.
2. General Duties
a. Serves as a voting member of the Executive Board.
b. Presides at Executive Board and other Association business meetings in the absence of the President, or upon request of the President, and assumes that office if it becomes vacant before completion of the term.
c. Functions as Board liaison to selected committees and member groups.
d. Attends all Executive Board meetings.
e. Serves as an ex officio, voting or non-voting member of committees:
(i) Voting
- Conference
- Finance
- Intellectual Freedom
- Legislative
- Planning
(ii) Non-voting
- Awards
- Continuing Education
- Florida Public Library Standards
- Leadership Development
f. Identifies a theme for year as President before taking President’s office and announce at the annual conference.
g. Immediately upon being elected and before the annual conference, appoints committee Vice-Chairs; Vice-Chairs will serve as Chairs during the Vice-President’s Presidential term.
h. Communicates regularly with the President and Executive Director.
i. Serves as a member of the State Library Council appointed by the Secretary of State; attend all meetings of the Council and make reports to the Executive Board.
j. Develops Board liaison assignments for Presidential year with the Executive Board.
1. Term of Office
a. End of conference to end of conference
b. Two years, staggered with the term of the Treasurer
2. Serves as a voting member of the Executive Board. Florida Library Association Manual
4. Serves as Board liaison to committees and member groups as assigned.
5. Keep a complete file of records of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association and Executive Board.
6. Gathers and preserves minutes and relevant documents and copies of reports of all officers and committees for the Archives of the Association.
7. Sends to the party concerned a copy of each resolution as adopted by the Association, enclosing a friendly personal note in case of sympathy, thanks, etc.
8. Prepares the official minutes of each general session of the annual conference and each Executive Board meeting and manages the process for electronic approval by the Executive Board as soon as possible after each meeting.
Region Directors
1. Term of Office
a. Two years each for the six Directors
b. Terms of the six Director positions are staggered with three Directors elected each year
2. Each Director lives or works in one of the state’s six geographic areas, with no two Directors living or working in the same geographic region. Click here to view your geographic area.
3. Serve as voting members of the Executive Board, representing the membership as a whole.
4. Be aware of and present to the Executive Board the needs and interests of their geographic area; communicate regularly with the library community in the area at meetings, through print or electronic or other means to keep Association members informed of events, issues, and Executive Board actions, and to solicit suggestions for service improvements.
5. Serve as Board liaisons to assigned committees and member groups.
6. Represent the Association at library events as requested by the President and Executive Director.