FLA Code of Conduct

The Florida Library Association (FLA) sponsors a variety of forums, meetings and professional development opportunities, including the annual spring Conference. The purpose of these events is to provide Florida librarians and library workers with opportunities to learn, connect and grow, which we believe to have a positive impact on the development and improvement of libraries throughout the state.

FLA is committed to an open, inclusive, and collaborative environment. FLA does not tolerate discriminatory or harassing content or language by presenters or attendees during any FLA-sponsored conference or other event, whether in-person or virtual. In accordance with FLA’s core values, we recognize a shared responsibility to create and maintain an environment based on mutual respect and free of harassment for the benefit of all. Participants may--and do--exercise their option to leave a session or a conversation. As a statewide professional association for librarians and library workers in Florida, the events and communications sponsored by FLA are an extension of work, and threats of harassment or discrimination are not acceptable.

FLA also reserves the right to remove or exclude any participant or attendee who engages in unprofessional conduct, interferes with the ability of other attendees to participate in and enjoy an FLA event, or is reasonably suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Violation of FLA's core values may result in immediate dismissal from any FLA conference or event.

In an effort to create an environment based on mutual respect and professional courtesy, some behaviors are specifically prohibited. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Stalking, whether physical or virtual

  • Harassment, including jokes, comments, discrimination, or refusal of services or facilities based on a person’s race, color, religion, gender, gender expression or identity, pregnancy status, sexual orientation, national origin, age, veteran status, or disability

  • Unwelcome attention or contact of a sexual nature

  • Intimidation 

  • Assault and/or battery

  • Sustained disruption of events

  • Any action that could be considered criminal in nature 

  • Harassing or non-consensual photography or recording

  • Disruption of speakers, presenters, or any individuals engaged in the public presentation of conference-related content, both in person and online

  • Copying or taking screenshots of Q&A or chat room activity in the virtual space

  • FLA recommends using the appropriate communication channels, such as the FLA listserv, FLA Job Board, or member forum on the FLA website Presentations, postings, or messages that contain promotional materials, special offers, job offers, product announcements, or solicitation for services. FLA reserves the right to remove such messages and potentially block sources of those solicitations

All participants and presenters are expected to observe these rules and behaviors at all FLA-sponsored engagements. Participation in an FLA meeting, event, or discussion constitutes a willingness to comply with this Code of Conduct. Any breach of this code of conduct will result in an appropriate course of action including but not limited to:

  • verbal or written warning

  • expulsion from the event or meeting

  • exclusion from future events and/or meetings

  • revocation of membership

Anyone can report harassment. Inappropriate behavior should be reported as soon as possible. Violations to the FLA Code of Conduct can be submitted to the FLA Executive Director via executivedirector@flalib.org or 850-270-9205, who is then responsible for submitting a record of the violation on the reporter’s behalf within 72 hours. Information for reporting instances of code violations should be displayed at all programs, meetings, and events and included on all contracts. Call 911 or alert hotel/venue security if someone is in immediate danger or if an immediate and serious safety concern exists.

Reports of code violations will be monitored and addressed by the Executive Director, FLA President, or other FLA leadership as appropriate to determine and carry out a course of action. Site security and/or local law enforcement may be involved, based on the specific circumstances. A follow-up report will be made to individuals who submit a report within two weeks, and a written summary of all such code violations will be made annually to the FLA Executive Board. The Executive Board may develop additional procedures to implement this policy.

Actions that result in expulsion or exclusion from an event or revocation of FLA membership can be appealed in writing to the FLA President. If relief is denied, a hearing may be requested in front of the Executive Board.