Ready to take your career to a new level? Are you preparing for your next career move? Curious about how social media can assist you in creating that professional image that will set you apart from other candidates and impress future employers? FLA's Professional Development Committee and Library Career Development Subcommittee can help! Drop by this session and get advice and mentoring in the areas of YOUR choice such as resume and cover letter writing and review, where to find information for that first job, and even how to best transition to jobs in another type of library. Delivered by a dynamic team of skilled and experienced professionals in the field, this session is designed to empower and equip attendees with the requisite information and resources that will take their professional growth and development to the next level. We hope you will stop by and get the answers that you seek.
Jerdaine Sterling
Broward County Library
Deborah Williams
University of North Florida
Autumn Rose Dec
Broward County Library
Maria Gomez
Seminole County Library